The Discovery

The location of the Dix remained a mystery for half a decade before Rockfish Inc. made their breakthrough. The team responsible for discovering the SS Pacific used the wreck referred to as “The Schooner” to test ROVs and sonar equipment dozens of times. The team endearingly renamed it the “Nix”, which stands for “Not Dix”.

The Rockfish team realized that prior groups had looked at the image the wrong way. When taken at first glance, it appeared that none of the major features on the wreck lined up with the Dix. When flipped, all of them do.

Rockfish flipped the sonar image end-for-end in order to see the proof they needed. They revealed that what was originally believed to be the stern is the bow. They also show that the major features, including the opening and the inner wall of the engine room, line up between the sonar and this historic photo.

For six years Rockfish visited the site. Every time they returned they revealed more about the site and captured better images. Such is still true today. And while their conviction that they were looking at was the Dix grew to utter certainty years ago, they made the decision to keep the location a secret until they felt the site could be protected. With Northwest Shipwreck Alliance growing steadily, that time is now.

Rockfish Inc. captured this photo, one of the best images of the Dix to date. The image highlights intriguing features up and down the wreck that the team did not previously appreciate. Taken on November 16, 2023, it reminds us that there is always room to learn more about what lies in our waters.